Infosys: Early Days in America

I came to America in Fall of 1981. Same time Infosys began back in India.

There were two I was friendly with – Nandan Nilekani and Ashok Arora. Nandan studies elecdtrical engineering with me. Asok, most called him Alfie. He was my wingmate in hostel 7. On second ,top floor A guy, three four years senior, was there. He ran an outsourcing company from there – Patni computers. He called me for a position there. I refused when he told me the job was in hardware computer related.

A few weeks after I has settled in Carbondale, I came to know that Alfie was in Boston, working for infosys, at a client base. Called him. Talked a couple of times. His phone line was always busy, guessed he was always working.

In chemical was G.S. Borkar. He was employed by Infosys. He was working for Chicago’s medical center. Chicago was not too far from Carbondale, about 450 kiles.

Once I drove to Chicago and we had a pizza to share. It was nice. I enjoyed it.

Recently, read Murthy wanted English to be imposed in India / Infosys. To be considered an Indian language. Thought how would Alfie behave. Now I see Infosys in photos sometimes, don’t see him, see Murthy giving his gyan to us. More often Sudha Murthy.