Diverse Japanese staff

There is a common misunderstanding that Japanese look alike. I worked with them, at Mitsubishi, Japan’s most notorious company, and understood that they were different.

Dr. Shinaya Fushini, was a graduate of Todai, University of Tokyo. His GREO database was popular. He had spent nearly 2 years at IBM USA.He was quite good in English. I could talk to him in English. A brilliant person, he was not included in the company’s plan in my hiring. He was loyal to Mitsubishi but I considered to be very decent person.

Mr. Ono, my Kacho, Tokyo Institute of Technology. He was a simple guy. The company tried to make him a guilty party.

Mr. Sawai: My bucho, boss of Mr Ono. He was the main guilty party.

Mr. Oomori. PhD from Todai. He was hired against his will. He complained a lot and with a year changed to Kyodo, Univ of Kyoto, rated top in research. I enjoyed asking to him.

To be continued.

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